Henny vom Haus Tyson

Henny vom Haus Tyson

Owner: Haus Tyson SchH 1, Kkl 1, V in show Female Breeding Stock HD/ED normal. Detailed Pedigree Bruno vom Midlicher Land IPO3, HD/ED normal Cay vom Zapfenpflücker IPO3, SchH3, BHP 3, normal (a1) Pike von der Schafbachmühle IPO 3, SchH 3, FH 1 Branka vom Pendel Bach...
Hessi Stáhlavský diamant

Hessi Stáhlavský diamant

Owner: Haus TysonIPO 3, V in show, breed surveyedFemaleBreeding StockHD/ED 0/0 Gallery Detailed Pedigree Yoirk ze Stribrneho kamene (CS) IPO 1, HD a(0/0), ED (0/0), DNA (CZ) Hoky Va-Pe IPO 3, SchH 3, ZVV 3, HD A (Sweden), HD 6 (SV) Tyson von der Schiffslache IPO 3,...
Hunter vom Champ

Hunter vom Champ

Owner: Thomas Augenthaller, Riedenburg-Buch (Germany)IPO 3, SchH 3, FH 1, V in show, breed surveyedMaleBreeding StockHD/ED normal, DNA tested Pedigree Grisu von MaKeRa IPO 3, SchH 3, FH 1, HD/ED normal Xoey vom Furchsgraben SchH 3, HD/ED...
Izza Ajaxova Uranie

Izza Ajaxova Uranie

Owner: Haus Tyson IPO 3, V in show, breed surveyed Female Breeding Stock HD/ED normal Detailed Pedigree Kery Kamos-Durabo IPO 3, VPG 1, ZPS 1, ZVV 2, HD 0/0, ED 0/0, DNA Panter Aritar Bastet IPO 1, HD/ED normal Jaguar Aritar Bastet IPO 3, SchH 1 Greta z Osobovske...
Jola Orrylordblack

Jola Orrylordblack

Owner: Haus TysonIPO 3, V in show, breed surveyedFemaleBreeding StockHD/ED normalJola has lots of personality. She is in our breeding program from very accomplished parents. Beautiful and correct in structure, she has a powerful body with a great mind. She is willing...